Do you design

Earn an extra income!

Sollux Lighting®

your customer is satisfied with a lower price and you are satisfied with additional income.

Learn more details and decide if you want to join

The Architect’s Club is a program for interior designers that allows them to earn more effortlessly

How does it work?


Apply to join the Architect’s Club and we will send you a set of information along with a personalized discount code for all Sollux Lighting lamps.

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Create a beautiful interior design for your client using ready-made 3D models of our lamps – you can access them quickly and conveniently online.

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Present the project to the customer and give them your personalized code for 15% discount on purchases in our online store You will receive a commission of 15% on each order.

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At the end of the month, our sales department prepares a statement of the value of orders from your code and settles with you the commission due.

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The result?

Your customer is happy with the lower price, and you get additional income.

The Architect’s Club is a program where everyone benefits!

Learn more details and decide if you want to join

Each year as many as a quarter of a million Sollux Lighting brand lamps are shipped about our customers .

They brighten up the interiors of their homes and make them feel better – for your customers they can too!

We provide:

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Quick, clear online access to all 3D models of our lamps.

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Product availability at 95%.

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Realization of orders in 48h.

With Architect’s Club you earn more without any effort,
because we take all the customer service issues (orders, complaints, contact) on ourselves.

Learn more details and decide if you want to join